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Subhrajit Bhattacharya and Robert Ghrist, "Path Homotopy Invariants and their Application to Optimal Trajectory Planning", electronic pre-print, 2017. arXiv:1710.02871 [cs.RO].

Bibtex entry

@ARTICLE { Homotopy-Planning:pre-print:17,
    AUTHOR = { Subhrajit Bhattacharya and Robert Ghrist },
    TITLE = { Path Homotopy Invariants and their Application to Optimal Trajectory Planning },
    JOURNAL = { electronic pre-print },
    YEAR = { 2017 },
    NOTE = { arXiv:1710.02871 [cs.RO] },
    EPRINT = { 1710.02871 },
    ARCHIVEPREFIX = { arXiv },
    PRIMARYCLASS = { cs.RO },
    KEY = { topological path planning, topological abstraction, topology, homotopy, path planning, robot, graph, search, knot, group, word problem, pre-print }

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