Q: Who should submit a paper?

Any student currently enrolled in one of Prof. Wylie's courses that requires a research paper to be submitted.

Q: What should be submitted?

You should submit only one 3.5" diskette with one file on it (see the list of acceptable file types below). The filename must be your Lehigh four-character Lehigh email/user id.

For example, if your email address is rfw1@lehigh.edu, then the filename of the document would be rfw1.doc (or rfw1.pdf if you are submitting a PDF document directly -- see the list of acceptable file types below).

Any diskettes with multiple files, damaged files, non-DOS formatted diskettes, or non-Microsoft Word documents will be returned to the student for correction. These policies are in place to expedite the transfer of the files to the web, not to make your lives miserable. ;-)

Q: Which file type should I save as?

It is strongly recommended that you create the file in Microsoft Word 97 or earlier. If you must use another word processor, make certain that you can and do Save As a Microsoft Word document before handing in the diskette. Alternatively, you can print to, convert to or save as an Acrobat (aka PDF) file for submission.

Q: How do I submit my file?

Hand in one 3.5" diskette, DOS/IBM formatted to Prof. Wylie in class, or to the IR department secretary, Bea. Please be certain that it is labeled clearly (see below).

Example Disk Label

IR 161
Susie A. Student


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