Resources for Further Study

Black, Michael L.  "Political Satire in Knickerbocker's History." The Knickerbocker Tradition: Washington Irving's New York.  Ed. Andrew B. Myers.  Tarrytown: Sleepy Hollow Restorations, 1974.  65-87.

Bowden, Mary Weatherspoon.  "Knickerbocker's History and the 'Enlightened' Men of New York City."  American Literature 47 (1975): 159-72.

---. Washington Irving.  Boston: Twayne, 1981.  29-53

Cook, Jonathan.  "'Prodigious Poop': Comic Context and Psychological Subtext in Irving's Knickerbocker History."  Nineteenth-Century Fiction 49.4 (1995): 483-512.

Durant, David.  "Aeolism in Knickerbocker's A History of New York."  American Literature 41 (1970): 493-506.

Evans, James E.  "The English Lineage of Diedrich Knickerbocker." Early American Literature 10 (1975): 3-13.

Ferguson, Robert A.  Law and Letters in American Culture.  Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1984.  154-70.

Gilmore, Michael T.  "The Literature of the Revolutionary and Early National Periods."  The Cambridge History of American Literature: Volume One: 1590-1820.  Ed. Sacvan Bercovitch.  New York: Cambridge UP, 1994.   661-75.

Greenlaw, Edwin.  "Washington Irving's Comedy of Politics." Texas Review 1 (1915): 290-306.

Hedges, William L.  "The Knickerbocker History as Knickerbocker's 'History.'"  The Old and New World Romanticism of Washington Irving.  Ed. Stanley Brodwin.  New York: Greenwood, 1986.  153-66.

---. Washington Irving: An American Study, 1802-1832.  Westport: Greenwood, 1965.  65-85.

Irving, Washington.  Diedrich Knickerbocker's A History of New York.  Ed. Stanley T. Williams and Tremaine McDowell.  New York: Harcourt, 1927.

---.  A History of New York.  Ed. Michael L. Black and Nancy B. Black.  Boston: Twayne, 1984.

Lopate, Phillip.  "The Days of the Patriarchs: Washington Irving's A History of New York."  Boulevard 12.1-2 (1997): 204-22.

Roth, Martin.  Comedy and America: The Lost World of Washington Irving.  Port Washington: Kennikat, 1976.  113-54.

Rip Van Winkle <>

Williams, Stanley T.  The Life of Washington Irving.  New York: Oxford UP, 1935. 

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