Glass Relaxation Course

The 3rd Virtual Glass Course - a Cooperative Course

Taught by glass experts from US and Germany

            Prof. Dr. Reinhard Conradt, RWTH Aachen, Germany         

            Prof. Dr. Chris Cox, Clemson University, US                          

Dr. Ulrich Fotheringham, Schott AG, Germany (Adj. Prof. CU)

Prof. Dr. Prabhat Gupta, Ohio State University, US               

Prof. Dr. Roger Loucks, Alfred University, US                       

            Prof. Dr. Steve Martin, Iowa State University, US                  


Web-casting hosting at Clemson by:
Eric Skaar, Clemson University        

David White, Clemson                         


Syllabus and class schedule:

Class Schedule

Course Description


Textbook: Relaxation in Glass and Composites by George Scherer.  (Reprint edition 1992, Krieger publishing company, Malabar, Florida.)


Lectures and Slides:

Lecture 1:    Internet teaching set-up              Lecture01_Intro.pdf

By Dr. Ulrich Fotheringham, Schott AG                                           Delivered 1/19/10

Recorded version of Lecture 1:  not recorded


Lecture 2:  Phenomenology of viscoelasticity & glass transition

By Dr. Ulrich Fotheringham, Schott AG                                           Delivered 1/21/10

Slides for lecture 2 at:                                     Lecture2_Fotheringham02.pdf

Recorded version of Lecture 2:




Lecture 3: Complex exponential function, Fourier- and Laplace-Transforms  

By Dr. Chris Cox, Clemson Univ.                                          Delivered 1/26/10

Slides available at:  Lecture03_cox.pdf

Recorded version of Lecture 3:


Homework01 for Cox lecture, due 3pm 2/28


Lecture 4. Differential equations

By Dr. Chris Cox, Clemson Univ.                                          Delivered 1/28/10

Slides available at:  Lecture04_cox.pdf         

Recorded version of Lecture 4:

Lecture 5:  Simple models (Maxwell, Kelvin-Voigt), relaxation and retardation

By Dr. Ulrich Fotheringham, Schott AG                                           Delivered 2/2/10

Slides for lecture 5 at: Lecture05_fotheringham.pdf 
Recorded version of Lecture 5:


Lecture 6:  Sophisticated models (Kohlrausch), shear and bulk viscoelasticity, Boltzmannīs superposition principle, temperature dependence

By Dr. Ulrich Fotheringham, Schott AG                                           Delivered 2/4/10
Slides for lecture 6 at: Lecture06_fotheringham.pdf
Recorded version of Lecture 6:

Homework02 for Fotheringham lecture. To be completed after Lecture 6. Due 3pm (est) 2/11.
Please forward to and copy to your local instructor


Lecture 7: Dynamic Mechanical Analysis. (Viscoelasticity III. Dynamic Testing)
By Dr. Ulrich Fotheringham, Schott AG                                           Delivered 2/9/10
Slides for lecture 7 at: Lecture07_fotheringham.pdf
Recorded version of Lecture 7:

Homework03 for Fotheringham lecture. (includes question from Homework02 above). To be completed after Lecture 7.
Due 3pm (est) 2/11. Please forward to and copy to your local instructor


Lecture 8: Viscoelasticity IV:  Important Application of Pre-Stressing
By Dr. Ulrich Fotheringham, Schott AG                                           Delivered 2/11/10
Slides for lecture 8 at: Lecture08_fotheringham.pdf
Recorded version of Lecture 8:
Review of quiz and exercises for 8:


Lecture 9: Thermodynamic Concepts and the Law of Thermodynamics
By Dr. Steve martin, Iowa State University                                       Delivered 2/16/10
Slides for lecture 9 at: Lecture09_martin.pdf
Recorded version of Lecture 9:


Lecture 10:  Thermodynamic Functions
By Dr. Steve martin, Iowa State University                                       Delivered 2/18/10
Slides for lecture 10 at Lecture10_martin.pdf
(revised 02.19.10)
Quiz 1: Thermodynamics Background (corrected 02.19.10)
Homework04 for Martin lecture
Recorded version of Lecture 10:
Quiz lecture 10:

Lecture 11: Thermodynamics in the Glass Transition Region
By Dr. Steve martin, Iowa State University                                      Delivered 2/23/10
Slides for lecture 11 at: Lecture11_martin.pdf
Recorded version of Lecture 11:       

Lecture 12: The Glass Transition on a Kinetic Transition.
By Dr. Steve martin, Iowa State University                                      Delivered 2/25/10
Slides for lecture 12 at: Lecture12_martin.pdf
Recorded version of Lecture 12:
Homework05 for Martin lecture

Lecture 13: The Fictive and Glass Transition Temperatures
By Dr. Roger Loucks, Alfred University                                   Delivered 3/02/10
Slides for lecture 13 at: Lecture13_loucks.pdf
Recorded version of Lecture 13:

Lecture 14: Relaxation and the Tool-Narayanaswamy-Moynihan Equation
By Dr. Roger Loucks, Alfred University                           Delivered 3/04/10
Slides for lecture 14 at: Lecture14_loucks.pdf
Recorded version of Lecture 14:
Lecture 14 - Quiz Review:

Lecture 15: The Tool-Narayanaswamy-Moynihan Equation Part II and DSC
By Dr. Roger Loucks, Alfred University                         Delivered 3/09/10
Slides for lecture 15 at: Lecture15_loucks.pdf
Recorded version of Lecture 15:

Lecture 16: The Tool-Narayanaswamy-Moynihan Equation Part II and DSC
By Dr. Roger Loucks, Alfred University                           Delivered 3/11/10
Slides for lecture 16 at: Lecture16_loucks.pdf
Recorded version of Lecture 16:
Lecture 16 - Quiz:

Homework 06 for Louck's Lectures: Assignment due on: tbd
Selected papers for Louck's lectures and homework in:
Yue paper:

Lecture 17: Landscape Approach to Glass Transition and Relaxation. (Part I)
By Dr. Prabhat Gupta, Ohio State University    
Delivered 3/23/10
Slides for lecture 17 at: Lecture17-revised_gupta.pdf
Recorded version of Lecture 17:

Lecture 18: Landscape Approach to Glass Transition and Relaxation. (Part II)
By Dr. Prabhat Gupta, Ohio State University    
Delivered 3/25/10
Slides for lecture 18 at: Lecture18_gupta.pdf
Recorded version of Lecture 18:

Lecture 19: Landscape Approach to Glass Transition and Relaxation (Part III) - Liquid to Glass Transition
By Dr. Prabhat Gupta, Ohio State University    
Delivered 3/30/10
Slides for lecture 19 at: Lecture19_gupta.pdf
Recorded version of Lecture 19:

Lecture 20: Landscape Approach to Glass Transition and Relaxation. (Part IV)
By Dr. Prabhat Gupta, Ohio State University    
Delivered 4/01/10
Slides for lecture 20 at: Lecture20_gupta.pdf
Recorded version of Lecture 20:

Homework 07 for Gupta Lectures: see 2 problems on last slides of Lecture 20. Due April 6th
Quiz review:

Lecture 21: Part I - Fragility and its Relation to Other Glass Properties
Prof. Dr. Reinhard Conradt, RWTH, Aachen ...... Delivered 4/6/10
Slides for lecture 21 at: Lecture21_conradt.pdf
Recorded version of Lecture 21: (re-taped version)

Homework 08 for Conradt Lectures: due 04.15.10 Please send by e-mail to: Prof. Conradt at

Lecture 22: Part II - Networks
Prof. Dr. Reinhard Conradt, RWTH, Aachen ...... Delivered 4/8/10
Slides for lecture 22 at: Lecture22_conradt.pdf
Recorded version of Lecture 22:
Quiz review:

Lecture 23: Electrical Relaxation. Topic 1: Quasi-Free Ion Transport
Prof. Himanshu Jain, Lehigh University, PA ... Delivered 4/15/10
Slides for lecture 23 at: Lecture23_jain.pdf
Recorded version of Lecture 23:

Lecture 24: Electrical Relaxation: Topic 2: Universal Dielectric Response (UDR)
Prof. Himanshu Jain, Lehigh University, PA ... Delivered 4/20/10
Slides for lecture 24 at: Lecture24_jain.pdf
Recorded version of Lecture 24:
Part A:
Part B:

Lecture 24 - continuation (04.22.10)
Part 1: continuation of topic 2 from lecture 24. Please use revised presentations slides: Lecture24-rev_jain.pdf (start with slide 16)
Part 2: we will move onto the third topic (lecture 25 - topic 3 see below)

Lecture 25: Electrical Relaxation: Topic 3: Nearly Constant Loss - Second Universality
Prof. Himanshu Jain, Lehigh University, PA ..... Delivered 4/22/10
Slides for lecture 25 at: Lecture25_jain.pdf
Recorded version of Lecture 25:
Recorded version of Quiz review (04.22.10):

Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Recorded version of Course Summary:



This page prepared by Bill Heffner and will be updated as new material is made available.            version 4/16/10 8:30am (sw)


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