Mary Eliza Tucker Lambert (Special thanks to Dwayne Best & Eric Gardner.)

A Brief Biography of Lambert by Janet Gray
Lambert's Autobiography

Selections by Mary Eliza Tucker Lambert

A kiss
We met
To Mary
The tryst
Drink on
Little bell
To Fannie
"That glove"
The old crib
A love-letter
Only a blush
Blight of love
The opium-eater
Found, who lost?
The beautiful sea
I am fashion's toy...
The mail has come
The humming-bird
I am weary, mother
The drunkard's wife
Lines to an old dress
The mother's lament
Wail of the divorced
Mrs. Myrick's lecture
Speak to her tenderly
Burial of a fairy queen
Christmas, South, 1866
The soldier boy's dream
Christmas Eve, south, 1865
Apple dumplings by request
"I was a stranger and ye took me in"
Upon receipt of a pound of coffee in 1863