Fall 2001 – Lehigh University
Email: amsp@lehigh.edu
English 385
Office: 758-3319
Office Location: 201 C Drown Hall
Instructor: Prof. Amardeep Singh
Office Hours: Wednesday 2-5 (or appointment)



British Modernism: The End(s) of the Human


Weekly Readings/ Paper Deadlines


àModernism Online Resources (NEW!)



The Waste Land




1. Readings – Yeats, Tagore, Eliot

2. Assignment 1

3. Synopsis of Said

4. Final paper topics



1. Introductory Lecture

2. Lecture on Conrad

3. Notes on Eliot

4. Lecture on Yeats/Tagore

5. Lecture on Forster

6. Modern Art Slideshow


Course Requirements: attendance, participation, 3 short (5 page) papers and a term paper. The term paper will be a substantial (10-15 pages) piece of criticism. Expectations for graduate students and undergraduates will vary.


Required Texts:

            Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness

            W.B. Yeats, Collected Poems

            Virginia Woolf, To the Lighthouse

            James Joyce, Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

            E.M. Forster, Passage to India

            Mulk Raj Anand, Untouchable

            Aime Cesaire, Collected Poetry

            Jean Rhys, Voyage in the Dark


Additional texts, including criticism, will be made available as photocopies. There may be a photocopy fee. Some of the photocopied materials (such as, for instance, T.S. Eliot’s The Waste Land) are readily available in various anthologies.




Late papers. I do not like late papers. If a paper is going to be late unavoidably, tell me in advance, preferably in writing (i.e., over email). If I do not hear about it in advance, I will automatically deduct a half-grade per day the paper is late. The deadline for the final paper will be non-negotiable.


Papers by email. At this time, I do not accept papers by email except under extreme circumstances (i.e., you are away from campus for a family emergency or an authorized athletic trip). This may change as the semester progresses.


Attendance and participation. This course is a seminar, which means it only works if everyone shows up consistently, does all of the reading, and participates. I have avoided overloading the syllabus with gigantic books, but that means I need people to read carefully. Come into class every day with questions and issues you wish to discuss.

            From time to time I will assign (rather informal) one-page response papers to ensure that everyone is keeping up with the reading.


Office Hours/Appointments. I encourage you to come talk to me outside of class about things we are doing in the course. I am available to meet with people on other days, especially afternoons.


Creative Writing. The grade for this course is based primarily on your in-class participation and the strength of your analytic writing. That said, I’m happy to take a look at creative efforts of various sorts, but I cannot consider them as part of the grade for the course.


Your input and ideas. I have intentionally left a little room in the syllabus for additional readings. If you have ideas about short texts that might add to the class discussion (literary or critical), let me know.  


Additional reading on your own: We are barely scratching the surface of many of these authors’ careers. If you find that you’re especially interested in the writings of one author or another, of if you’ve already read the text I’m assigning for a particular week, I would encourage you to read beyond the assignments for class. This would be especially helpful with the poets whose work we are engaging (i.e., T.S. Eliot, Gertrude Stein, Aime Cesaire, W.B. Yeats), but it is also true of novels.


Grade Components:


            40% Short papers and response papers

            30% Final paper

            30% Class attendance and participation

Fall 2001 – Lehigh University                                                            Email: amsp@lehigh.edu

English 385                                                                                                     Office: 758-3319

Instructor: Prof. Amardeep Singh                        Office Hours: Wednesday 2-5 (or appointment)



Weekly Schedule



August 29-31: Introduction, Heart of Darkness


Sept 3-7: Heart of Darkness

Excerpt from Said, Culture and Imperialism (photocopy)

Woolf on “Modern Fiction” (photocopy)


Sept. 10-14: Yeats, Eliot, Tagore

Yeats: Poems from Responsibilities, Wild Swans at Coole, Michael Robartes and the Dancer; “Preface” to Tagore’s Gitanjali (photocopy)

Eliot: The Waste Land, The Hollow Men, Ash Wednesday

Tagore: Gitanjali (excerpts)


àDUE Sept.17: Short paper due (3-4 pages): Close reading of a poem or poems


[Monday 9/10: Last day for fall registration; last day to drop a course w/out a W]


Sept. 17-21: To the Lighthouse

Sept. 24-28: To the Lighthouse

Essays by Deleuze/Guattari on the “Rhizome”; Lacan on the Symbolic (photocopies)


Oct. 1-5: Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man


[Monday Oct. 8: No class]


Oct. 10, 12: Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man


Oct. 15-19: Tender Buttons

Essays by Saussure, Jakobsen, Gass (photocopies)


àDUE Oct. 15: Essay on Joyce or Woolf


[Friday Oct. 19: I will likely be absent]


Oct. 22-26: A Passage to India

Oct. 29-Nov. 2: A Passage to India

Essays by Sharpe, Baucom, Jameson

Excerpt from Elias Canetti’s Crowds and Power (photocopy)

Forster’s “Kanaya” memoir


Nov. 5-9: Mulk Raj Anand, Untouchable

            Preface by E.M. Forster

Essay by: Tagore (Nationalism)


Nov. 12-16: Cesaire: Notebook of a Return to My Native Land

àDue Nov. 19: Paper on Colonialism and Modernism


Nov. 19-21: Jean Rhys, Voyage in the Dark


[Nov. 22-25: Thanksgiving Break]


Nov. 26-30: Manifestoes: Wyndham Lewis’ Blast (photocopy)

Dadaism (Tzara), Surrealism (Artaud), Feminism (Loy), Situationism (Debord)

Essays by Benjamin (“Surrealism”), Rabinbach (from The Human Motor), Selzer (from Bodies and Machines)

(Possible films: M, Metropolis, Modern Times)


Dec. 3-7: Continue from previous week; synthetic discussion (re-reading).

            Possibly introduce new materials


Dec. 7: Last Day of classes


àDec. 14: Final papers DUE