LEGACY: A Journal of Women Writers (ISSN 0748-4321)

The journal is published semi-annually by: The University of Nebraska Press
312 North 14th Street
Lincoln, NE 68588

Institutional Membership and Rates:

To subscribe, institutions contact The University of Nebraska Press. USA Institutions: $33.00 Outside USA Institutions: $38.00

Individual Membership and Rates:

To join SSAWW and/or subscribe to LEGACY , contact

Professor Jane Donahue Eberwein
Department of English
Oakland University
Rochester, MI 48309

Regular membership: $10.00
Retired and Independent Scholars: $5.00
Student Membership: $5.00
Lifetime Membership: $150.00

University of Nebraska Press Email: press@unlinfo.unl.edu

University of Nebraska Press Website: http://unp.unl.edu/

LEGACY Annual Subscription Rates:

Regular: $25.00 (includes retired and independent scholars)
Regular with SSAWW member discount: $20.00. Student: $17.00
Student with SSAWW member discount: $13.60.
(Please submit copy of student ID with either subscription.)

Single issue and back issue rates available on request from the Pennsylvania State University Press .

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