Example Application of the DSS Routines The files in this folder pertain to an application of the dss routines, specifically, the chemotaxis model in Chapter 1 of the forthcoming book (scheduled for late 2013) Differential Equation Analysis in Biomedical Science and Engineering Partial Differential Equation Applications with R Briefly ,the files are chap1a.pdf (a manuscript file) and a series of R files (with the extension .R). Here are some details about the latter: Note the use of deSolve in each of the main programs that must be downloaded (this can be done from http://cran.fhcrc.org/ or with Rstudio via Packages menu); for example, in the main program chemo_lsodes_1.R, deSolve is accessed as # # Library of R ODE solvers library("deSolve") Note also that the directory where the subordinate routines reside must be declared in each of the main programs, e.g., in the main program chemo_lsodes_1.R # # Access functions for numerical, analytical solutions setwd("c:/R/bme_pde/chap1"); source("chemo_1.R"); source("u1_anal.R"); source("u2_anal.R"); source("dss004.R"); A forward slash / is used in place of the usual backslash \ in the setwd (set working directory). Also, the name of the working directory where the files reside may have to be changed for the local computer. The R files pertaining to the listings in chap1a.pdf are: chemo_lsodes_1.R Listing 1.1 chemo_1.R Listing 1.2 u1_anal.R Listing 1.3a u2_anal.R Listing 1.3b dss004.R chemo_lsodes_2.R Listing 1.4 chemo_1.R Listing 1.2 u1_anal.R Listing 1.3a u2_anal.R Listing 1.3b dss004.R