The Blink Sightings Page

Final Update: 8/26/99

A summary of the Blink events of 1999 can be found in the chronology, under Blinkwatch '99.

Scott Lobdell says: "Bring Back Blink!"

On the eve of Lavender Darts' final update, issue number 14 of The Academy published an exclusive interview with Gen X and Blink creater Scott Lobdell. Here's an excerpt:

The Academy: Who created Blink and was there even a chance in heck of her coming back when you were writing the series?

Lobdell: Joe Mad and I created Blink. How can you not love this girl? And while NO, there was no plan to bring her back, there was certainly a way to when you consider her essentially off panel death and weird powers! I say . . . BRING BACK BLINK!

Strong words, from Blink's creator. Will they be answered? Only time will tell.

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