International Communication Online
As you know, this class will be held totally online. This approach to the class warrants some explanation. It is not done for the novelty of it, though certainly this will be a
new experience for many of you. 

My feeling is that some subjects, though not all, can greatly benefit from online instruction. International communication is one of those subjects. How better to learn about international communication than through a World Wide Web? 

By sitting at our computers, we will be able to research, within seconds, news media around the world. We will be able to draw upon resources from the United Nations to the
World Bank. Our potential reach is virtually limitless.

There are other advantages to online learning:

* You can learn at your peak learning times, at times that fit with your schedule and energy.

* You can learn at your own speed.

* You can gear your learning to your own strengths and weaknesses.

* You can and will interact more online than you would in a traditional classroom.

* You will be introduced to more varied classmates, who are learning in different locations from yourself.

At times, you will feel isolated and then supremely connected.

At times, you will feel lost and then in full control of your learning.

At times, you will feel disappointed and then exhilarated by the experience of online learning.

Future generations will take online learning for granted. You can say you were among the first.

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