International Communication Online

One great advantage of online instruction: Your classwork time can be quite flexible -- 24 hours a day, seven days a week. 

The flexibility is an advantage because you can come to the course when you have the time, energy and initiative to learn. 

It can be a disadvantage if you don't find the self-discipline to structure your time, energy and initiative. 

Condensed summer schedules can increase that disadvantage. Students in summer session courses spend 90 minutes in the classroom each day and at least that much time in preparation each day. You should expect to spend a similar amount of time online.

If you are working during the day, give yourself a couple of hours each night. If you are taking other classes, "schedule" time for the online class. 

If you do not have a personal computer online, Lehigh's computer labs have generous summer schedules and no crowds.

Here are some other hints to succeed at online learning:

* Find a set time and routine: You will be judged on the quantity and quality of your participation. It probably will be best to find quickly a routine and structure that allows you to learn online. 

* Do the readings in advance of each day. As in any class, the discussion makes more sense and you can participate more if you have done the readings.

* Be interactive. In traditional classes, you can sometimes get credit just for being there, even if you don't say a word. In online classes, no one knows you are there until you enter the discussion. Jump in early and often.

* Discuss, discuss, discuss. Most online classes are not established simply to present you with facts and information. You are being asked to be engaged online. Jump in.

* Take a chance. Remember that this is still a new form of learning. Most of your friends have never taken an online class. You will learn about the subject matter. But you will also learn about learning. And you will learn about yourself -- if you give yourself a chance.

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