If you are interested in the issues mentioned above and wish to share your thoughts and research results with like-minded people, please submit an extended abstract or full paper via email with attached files (in pdf, rtf, or Word) to:

Interactivist Summer Institute (interact at lehigh dot edu)

Abstracts and papers should be sent taking into account the following format:
  1. Major theme of the paper, related to the major themes given above.
  2. Paper title.
  3. Extended abstract of 500 to 1500 words and/or paper drafts of 2000 to 5000 words, in English.
  4. Author or co-authors with names, addresses, telephone number, and e-mail address.
All abstracts will be refereed. The judgments of the referees will determine the list of papers to be presented at the conference.

Submission deadline: March 4, 2011. Notification by March 25.

Individuals whose papers have been accepted do not need to submit a separate application for participation. The registration fee is required of everyone.