Lehigh University College of Business:
International Field Experiences for Graduate Students

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Globalization has changed the landscape of business. A global perspective embedded in the curriculum inherently expands the mind and the student’s base of knowledge. At Lehigh University, we strive to develop this global perspective in our students with international opportunities and are dedicated to developing leaders for global impact.

Although we are no longer accepting applications, you can still be a part of the experience! Follow our students' stories at lehighmbaglobal.com.


Each international experience is assigned a topic relevant to the trends of its geographic location.
  • European Financial Crisis: Athens, Greece
    • March 8 - 17, 2013
  • Corporate Social Responsibility: Nottingham and London, United Kingdom
    • May 10 - 19, 2013
  • Manufacturing and Logistics: Beijing, Ningbo, and Shanghai, China
    • May 31 - June 9, 2013
  • Contrasting Developing Countries: Santiago, Chile and Buenos Aires, Argentina
    • June 21 - 30, 2013
  • ESCEM: Tours, France
    • Summer session (Exact dates TBD)


Pre-trip. International field experiences are integrated into a 3-credit classroom experience designed to ensure maximum learning and relevance. Prior to the trip, faculty provide broad overviews of the critical economic, cultural and political issues to be tackled while abroad. Students brief their colleagues on more specific background information about the host country and corporations we plan to visit, and then share with the class their ideas for the final project that will be due after the trip.

Trip. Students and faculty depart on a Friday and arrive in-country early Saturday morning. The weekend is designed to acclimate students with the host country through cultural excursions and free exploration time. Two to three business site visits are organized per day, Monday through Friday, with organized cultural outings, dinners and free time in the evenings. Students are given additional free time to indulge in local culture before departing on Saturday or Sunday.

Post-trip. Upon return, the class discusses key takeaways and students present their own research findings to the class along with a research paper. With this model, we ensure a greater depth of learning and appreciation for the business and culture of the country visited and we help students develop insights immediately relevant to their current business activities.


Alumni are welcomed (and encouraged!) to attend the field experiences in Greece and Chile/Argentina as part of the MBA PLUS program. Class sessions will be available through Lehigh's real-time distance learning platform, ClassroomLIVE.


Please visit the links to the left for a more in-depth explanation of each trip's structure, purpose, expectations and logistics.  If you have any questions in the meantime, please feel free to contact Stephanie DeLuca: (610) 758-4559 or sed211@lehigh.edu.