CSE 109 Progam 7 Due 10:45 PM Thursday 19 April 2012 Late collections 10:45 PM 21,22 April Modify program 7 so that it generates STOM code that corresponds to the given StomASM program, provided the given StomASM program is syntactically correct. The input to program 7 should be a file consisting of StomASM language statements, finishing with "end", the "end" possibly followed by text that should be appended after the 'E' in the corresponding Simpletorn program. Program 7 should have two output files, the first containing the results of the parse, and the second the STOM code, followed by 'E'. If the input file has text after 'end' then the text should simply be appended to the STOM code in the second file after the 'E'. Thus, the second output file should be suitable as an input file to STOM. In the end, the behavior of your p7 should be similar to that of StomASM. To submit your assignment, create a subdirectory of /cse109.121 called p7 (that is, from your root directory cse109.121/p7) for doing your work. Finally, indicate you wish the assignment to be collected by executing the unix command "touch DONE", which will create a file of 0 bytes named DONE. Then all files in the subdirectory p7 (but not in subdirectories of the subdirectory p7) will be collected. I will test your program using your Makefile. Some of the test files for p7 have been stored in /proj/csc109/p7. As always I warn you to heed my admonition that you not unfairly collaborate. To understand what it means to unfairly collaborate read the course syllabus. For those who need them, I have provided the files word.h, word.o, lex.h, lex.o, node.t, and tree.t in /proj/csc109/p6. Use them in the same way as in previous assignments.