Subject: A question about Wu classes Date: Mon, 2 Dec 2002 15:22:04 +0100 From: "Boccellari" To: "Don Davis" I am a PhD atudent in Mathematics at the Università degli Studi di Milano. I have a simple question about Wu classes. Following Browder fix n >= 0 and define V^{(n)} = Sq^{-1}(W^{-1}) where: 1) Sq^{-1} = 1 + c(Sq^1) + c(Sq^2) +... and "c" is the anti-automorphism of the mod 2 Steenrod algebra 2) W = 1 + w_1 + w_2 + ... +w_n the total Stiefel-Whitney class in H^*(BO(n);Z_2) and W^{-1}*W = 1 = W*W^{-1}. Let v^{(n)} _0,...,v^{(n)} _i,...,v^{(n)} _n the omogeneous components of V^{(n)} . My question is the following: a) is it known the expression of v^{(n)} _i (at least inductive on i or on n) as a polynomial in w_1,...,w_n ? b) as each w_i can be considered as the i-th symmetric polynomial in x_1,...,x_n is it known the expression of v^{(n)} _i (at least inductive on i or on n) as a polynomial in x_1,...,x_n ? If something is known can you send me references? I found the following expression: v^{(n)} _i = \sum_{j = 0}^{\infty}( (x^{2^j-1}_n)*(v^{(n-1)} _{i-(2^j-1)} ) where v^{(m)} _k = 0 if k < 0 or k > m. This expression leads me to some relations in the mod 2 Steenrod algebra and to a property of number theory. Thank you very much. With best regards Tommaso Boccellari