Subject: Hovey's first question Date: Fri, 10 Oct 2003 08:34:37 -0400 From: Tom Goodwillie To: Don Davis If X is completely regular (for example, CW), then the Stone-Cech compactification BX is a compact Hausdorff space that contains X as a dense subset. It has the marvelous property that it is the universal example of a compact Hausdorff space with a map from X. It turns out that there can never be a path in BX that begins in X and ends outside X, and therefore if X is path-connected then X is a path-component of BX. This you-can't-get-there-from-here feature follows from the fact that a sequence in X can never converge in BX to a point outside X. That in turn follows from the statement that if a sequence in X does not converge (in X) then there are two disjoint closed sets each containing a subsequence. So here's two more questions: 1. What groups can be pi_1 of a path-connected compact Hausdorff space? 2. What weak homotopy types are represented by compact Hausdorff spaces? - Tom Goodwillie