Subject: new Hopf listings Date: 01 Dec 2002 06:55:53 +0000 From: (M.A. Hovey) To: Anonymous ftp is now fixed, so you can use this method to put papers on Hopf if you prefer it to the web form. Both are better than e-mail. 4 new papers this time, from McClure-SmithJH, Nam, Palmieri, and Saneblize-Umble. Mark Hovey New papers appearing on hopf between 11/13/02 and 12/01/02 1. Cosimplicial Objects and little $n$-cubes. I. James E. McClure and Jeffrey H. Smith AMS Classification Numbers 18D50; 55P48 Submitted to arXiv: math.QA/0211368 Department of Mathematics Purdue University 150 N. University Street West Lafayette, IN 47907-2067 In this paper we show that if a cosimplicial space or spectrum $X^\bullet$ has a certain kind of combinatorial structure (we call it a $\Xi^n$-structure) then the total space of $X^\b$ has an action of a certain operad which is weakly equivalent to the little $n$-cubes operad. The $n\leq 2$ case was proved by a more complicated argument in our earlier paper A Solution of Deligne's Hochschild Cohomology Conjecture ( In the special case $n=\infty$, we define a symmetric monoidal structure $\boxtimes$ on cosimplicial spaces and show that if $X^\b$ is a commutative $\boxtimes$-monoid then the total space of $\X^\b$ is an $E_\infty$ space. 2. A-generateurs generiques pour l'algebre polynomiale by Tran Ngoc Nam Nous résolvons génériquement le problème ``hit'' (posé en 1986 par Franklin P. Peterson) par la découverte en degrés génériques d'un système générateur minimal explicite pour l'algèbre polynomiale comme module sur l'algèbre de Steenrod mod 2. Cette solution implique en particulier un résultat de J. Repka-P. Selick, une partie de celui de M. C. Crabb-J. R. Hubbuck et nous permet en même temps de vérifier une conjecture due à M. Kameko. Ce système générateur sera appliqué à l'étude du transfert algébrique de W. M. Singer et de la représentation modulaire du groupe linéaire général. 3. Some quotient Hopf algebras of the dual Steenrod algebra by J. H. Palmieri Fix a prime p, and let A be the polynomial part of the dual Steenrod algebra. The Frobenius map on A induces the Steenrod operation P^0 on cohomology, and in this paper, we investigate this operation. We point out that if p=2, then for any element in the cohomology of A, if one applies P^0 enough times, the resulting element is nilpotent. We conjecture that the same is true at odd primes, and that "enough times" should be "once". The bulk of the paper is a study of some quotients of A in which the Frobenius is an isomorphism of order n. We show that these quotients are dual to group algebras, the resulting groups are torsion-free, and hence every element in Ext over these quotients is nilpotent. We also try to relate these results to the questions about P^0. The dual complete Steenrod algebra makes an appearance. 4. Title: Diagonals on the Permutahedra, Multiplihedra and Associahedra Authors: Samson Saneblidze, Ronald Umble MSC: 55P35, 55U05 ArXive: math.AT/0209109 Abstract: We construct an explicit diagonal on the permutahedra {P_n}. Related diagonals on the multiplihedra {J_n} and the associahedra {K_n} are induced by Tonks' projection P_n --> K_{n+1} and its factorization through J_n. We use the diagonal on {K_n} to define the tensor product of A_infty-(co)algebras. We introduce the notion of a permutahedral set Z, observe that the double cobar construction Omega^{2}C_*(X) is a naturally occurring example and lift the diagonal on {P_n} to a diagonal on Z. ---------------------Instructions----------------------------- To subscribe or unsubscribe to this list, send a message to Don Davis at with your e-mail address and name. Please make sure he is using the correct e-mail address for you. 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