Test File(s):

4310088 Mar 5 11:30 ALG.0 [yours] 248 Mar 5 11:30 ALGINFO.0 [yours] 4311480 Mar 5 11:27 RAT.0 [yours] 580 Mar 5 11:27 RATINFO.0 [yours] 48 Mar 5 11:20 rv64 649 Mar 9 tim.c here's rv64: bbbg0 0 64 28300000 28300001 1 7000 41 40 yourmachine which I ran as csh; sh rv64 & the program should shortly open: W0GUKF40.001 (a "Working" file) and 5-10 minutes later give (the "Finished" file): 1955 Mar 5 11:36 F0GUKF40.001 If there aren't any disasters to here, then we're ready to run. If you'd like to check timings, you might try "gcc -O2 -o tim tim.c", and then run cat F* | grep DONE | tim