Long Integer Package:

198054 Mar 5 11:07 lip.c 121197 Mar 5 11:06 lip.h 64 Mar 5 11:06 lippar.h compile with something like: gcc -O2 -c lip.c (ALPHA: gcc -O2 -DALPHA=1 -DDOUBLES_LOW_HIGH=1 -c lip.c)

Factor Base Programs:

1439 Mar 5 11:25 aklpar.h 15765 Mar 5 11:19 algbase.c 121197 Mar 5 11:06 lip.h 205708 Mar 5 11:16 lip.o [size/date from your complier] 64 Mar 5 11:06 lippar.h 5361 Mar 5 11:19 ratbase.c compile with something like: gcc -O2 -o ratbase ratbase.c lip.o -lm gcc -O2 -o algbase algbase.c lip.o -lm (ALPHA: gcc -O2 -DALPHA=1 -o ratbase ratbase.c lip.o -lm gcc -O2 -DALPHA=1 -o algbase algbase.c lip.o -lm)

Siever and Factor Bases:


Now that you have lip.o, ratbase and algbase,

) 163572 Mar 5 11:26 algbase [your size/date] 12 Mar 5 11:27 alat 100932 Mar 5 11:19 bbbg0.c 305 Mar 5 11:27 r773 155220 Mar 5 11:25 ratbase [your size/date] compile bbbg0 with something like: gcc -O2 -o bbbg0 bbbg0.c lip.o -lm (LINUX: gcc -O2 -o bbbg0 bbbg0.c lip.o -lm -DBIGENDIAN=0 -DDOUBLES_LOW_HIGH=1 -DPENTIUM) (ALPHA: gcc -O2 -DBIGENDIAN=0 -DALPHA=1 -DDOUBLES_LOW_HIGH=1 -o bbbg0 bbbg0.c lip.o -lm) and run: ratbase 0 < r773 algbase 0 < alat expected messages on stderr are: rational factor base of size 1077870 of primes <= 16777213 created sum 2041694201525630780780247644590609268736 and algebraic factor base of size 1077522 of primes <= 16777139 created 2 388430 267 1 big differences

Test File(s):

4310088 Mar 5 11:30 ALG.0 [yours] 248 Mar 5 11:30 ALGINFO.0 [yours] 4311480 Mar 5 11:27 RAT.0 [yours] 580 Mar 5 11:27 RATINFO.0 [yours] 48 Mar 5 11:20 rv64 649 Mar 9 tim.c here's rv64: bbbg0 0 64 28300000 28300001 1 7000 41 40 yourmachine which I ran as csh; sh rv64 & the program should shortly open: W0GUKF40.001 (a "Working" file) and 5-10 minutes later give (the "Finished" file): 1955 Mar 5 11:36 F0GUKF40.001 If you run "diff F*", we hope your F-file F*.001 differs from the file F*.bak only in the timing lines "DONE" and "FINISHED" (and that your machine is quicker!). If there aren't any disasters to here, then we're ready to run. If you'd like to check timings, you might try "gcc -O2 -o tim tim.c", and then run cat F*.001 | grep DONE | tim