Subject: Re: 2 more on lim-1 Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2001 15:06:59 +0200 From: Gerd Laures To: Don Davis On Thu, 19 Jul 2001, you wrote: > Two more responses on the lim-1 question.......DMD > ________________________________ > Milnor's 1961 paper deals with Steenrod's theory, and he produces a > short > exact sequence to compute H_*(inverse limit of X_i$ where the X_i are > finite complexes and X = inverse limit X_i is a compact metric space. > This of course involves lim and lim^1. > (For some years Jerry and I had the only copies of this paper and > were the "publishers", so to speak.) There is no mention of the 6 term > sequence there. > This is not quite correct: in the mentioned reprinted version of Milnor's paper from 1961 he is writing down the 6 term sequence on page 87 and does not give any reference to anybody else. So, maybe they both should get the credits. Gerd Laures