Subject: question for the list From: Gustavo Granja Date: Mon, 9 May 2005 16:31:47 +0100 (WEST) To: Don Davis A colleague of mine who is a symplectic geometer would like a reference for a result of the following type: If $f: E \to B$ is a (nice) map [but not a Serre fibration] all of whose fibers are $r$-connected then $f$ induces an isomorphism on $\pi_k$ for $k \leq r$. In the example she has in mind, $f$ is an orbibundle map with compact fibers. The only approximate reference I am aware of is the appendix on Homotopy colimits (the section on decomposing general maps into free diagrams) in Emmanuel Dror-Farjoun's lecture notes but this is not so easy to read for most geometers... Gustavo Granja