Here are some supplemental notes for Chapter 3. Note, in particular, the use of pde_1a.m, pde_1b.m, pde_1c.m, pde_1d.m. pde_1_main.m atg model in spherical coordinates; constant diffusivity for Nn, Nt; pde_1a.m 0 le r le 0.5 cm; initial tumor outer boundary at r = 0.1 cm using inital_1.m grid point 21 in 101; parameters are the same as from Gatenby; jpattern_num_1.m ICs in Nn_1.m, Nt_1.m, Ch_1.m set with tanh; pde_1a.m renamed to Nn_1.m pde_1.m for use by ode15s; Dn, Dt constant; Nn_1.m, Nt_1.m, Ch_1.m Nt_1.m are IC functions. Ch_1.m ncase=3: fig3p1.eps (figure(1) in pde_1_main.m)) fig3p2.eps (figure(2)) fig3p3.eps (figure(3)) fig3p4.eps (figure(4)) fig3p5.eps (figure(5)) fig3p6.eps (figure(8)) pde_1_main.m pde_1a.m with variable diffusivity (D) for Nt (only change); D pde_1b.m constrained to nonegative values; without constraint, ODE integration inital_1.m fails; pde_1b.m renamed to pde_1.m for use by ode15s; variable jpattern_num_1.m D programmed as Nn_1.m D=Dt*(1-Nn(i)/Kn); Nt_1.m if(D<0)D=0;end Ch_1.m Nn_1.m, Nt_1.m, Ch_1.m are IC functions; 2D plots for ncase = 1; 3D plots for ncase = 2; pde_1b.m renamed to pde_1.m for use by ode15s. pde_1_main.m pde_1b.m with additional plotting of PDE RHS terms; the ODE routine, pde_1c.m pde_1c.m has a second return argument array, term, that is then used inital_1.m at the end of pde_1_main.m in Listing 3.4; pde_1c.m not renamed to pde_1.m jpattern_num_1.m for use by ode15s with ncase = 3; Nn_1.m, Nt_1.m, Ch_1.m are IC functions; Nn_1.m total of 21 plots (4 for ncase = 1, 17 for ncase = 3). Nt_1.m Ch_1.m pde_1_main.m pde_1b.m with diffusion added to Nn balance; pde_1d.m renamed to pde_1.m for pde_1d.m use by ode15s; Nn_1.m, Nt_1.m, Ch_1.m are IC functions. inital_1.m jpattern_num_1.m Nn_1.m Nt_1.m Ch_1.m