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418 E. 3rd Street
1 1/2 blocks east
of Taylor,
(610) 865-2949

5 slice pizza

Lehigh, we found an ok pizza with appealing features. If you venture out beyond the usual student grazing range, you'll come upon Pizza House located on Third Street about a block and a half east of Taylor.

The dining room reminds you of the luncheonettes from the 50's and 60's with their formica counters and metal stools with revolving seats. You can sit at the counter or in two separate dining rooms with well spaced tables. The owners are a friendly family and the service is easy and casual. We went up to a refrigerator to choose our beverage. We were surprised that Starbuck's frappacino coffee drink in the bottle was available. At the end of the meal, the owners provided, gratis, special cookies made with olive oil. Delicious.

We followed our procedure of ordering two pizzas, one "plane" (as printed on the menu) and the other with one half pepperoni and half mushroom. In deference to our guest reviewers who preferred vegetarian pizza, we ordered green pepper on the mushroom half. We all agreed that the crust was the best part of the pizza. It was crunchy but not dry; when we folded slice in half lengthwise, the tip of the slice stayed firm. For those eaters who like extra crust, the edge was about 3/4 inches tall. The cheese was abundant and tasty -- not the typical flat-tasting mozzarella. After holding a plain slice vertically for 10 seconds, we detected only two drops of grease. An average pureed tomato sauce was spread on the pizza but the mushrooms were canned. Perry and I were somewhat disappointed with the pepperoni slices -- full bodied in taste but of the two-napkin variety in oil drippings.

Our student raters split with a 6 and 4+. Perry and I agreed on a 5. The pizza is a comer and worth the extra walk for those who want a change of pace from the usual suspects.

Reviewed by:
Ron Yoshida, Dean of the College of Education
Perry Zirkel, Iacocca Professor of Education
Kathy McQuillan, assistant director of the Centennial School and doctoral candidate in school psychology
Patty Marckesano, Class of '01

Pizza House, 418 E. 3rd Street 1 1/2 blocks east of Taylor, (610) 865-2949.
Free Delivery.
Open from 10 am to midnight, Monday through Friday, noon to midnight on Saturday and Sunday.

This review originally appeared in The Brown and White at Lehigh University.

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