What's New, 8/19/99

8/19/99- New color scheme! While black is symbollically appropriate considering the Astonishing situation, the fact is that I've gotten some complaints that the old one was hard to read. White on black should be an improvement :).
Meanwhile, revised the profile, added some pics, and updated the FAQ.

8/8/99- Reorganized the Gallery, adding some pics. Added coverage for WWF Attitude, courtest of Lavender Darts WWF liason Seijimei@webtv.net.

7/27/99, 1AM- Finished the reorganization. There are now some new sections, too numerous to list, in the chronology. G'Night!

7/26/99- Massive redesign of the Chronology, including some new sections. This should make the thing easier to navigate, while also leaving room for any new appearances, such as the expected one this week....

7/3/99- The Blink FAQ is now open!

7/2/99- The Quarterly culling of the Links. Also updated the awards page for our latest award!

Mid March, 1999- In preparation for Lavender Darts' third birthday and the kickoff to Year Four, made major changes. Different format for navigation, major revision of the links page, and hopefully some reorganization in the other sections as well. Things are looking up for Lavender Darts: Year Four!

4/1/98- Second birthday celebration. Recieved first award and changed the name to Lavender Darts: The Blink Homepage.

April, 1996 - Founded The Blink Homepage

Back to the Blink Homepage.

If you've got corrections, additions, questions, or other feedback, send me a comment with this link or by email at c010@lehigh.edu.