Kristen Aileen Santamaria
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Drum Corps       Football       Scrapbooking       Books        Contact Me

This page is dedicated to more info about my interests. This is the fun section of my page. These are the ways I relax and try to enjoy myself. I hope we share some interests and would love to hear from you if we do. See the Contact Me section if interested.

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Drums Corps and Colorguard

I was raised listening to drump corps music. My Dad marched in a local drum corps called The While Eagles in Lowell, MA. My Grandfather and Uncles and Great Uncles all marched in drum corps. We can't help it, it is in our blood. In 1987, my parents took my to see my first live drum corps show, before this I had only seen them on TV. When The Boston Crusaders, who I will lovingly call BAC, performed, I was astounded. They moved me. They were so exciting, so emotional. They would receive the first standing ovation of the evening and I have to say it was the biggest crowd reaction of the night. I was 14 years old and ready to jump on a bus that day, but I waited until the following year.

In 1988, I joined BAC's top ranked colorguard and marched with them unitl 1991. We toured the country sleeping om gym floors and eating McDonalds or corps food which mostly consists of cereal, peanut butter jelly sandwiches and something we knew only as Sader Stew. Not sure I really want to know. As the years progressed, the meals got better. They have asked nutritionists for ideas on what to feed kids who will be running around in the sun all day and performing at night.

I loved performing. Every night we got a standing ovation and I have to say that there is no better feeling than that. I, unfortunately, would pass out after every performance. Found out later, I have asthma.  We worked hard. In 1988, we performed music from Les Miserables. In 1989, we did some songs from our past like Whiter Shade of Pale. In 1990 we celebrated the corps 50th anniversary and played songs that made them popular through the years like Captain of Castille and Conquest. In 1991, we did music from Rocky. That was a very good show, and my last year. I developed carpal tunnel and could no longer perform. But I am still a big fan. My heart belongs to BAC. I also enjoy The Madison Scouts.

I have been teaching colorguard since 1995. I have taught several local high schools indoor and outdoor. I love teaching and writing shows. I heavily cover basics because I firmly believe that without the basics you'll get nowhere.

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Are you ready for some fottball? I am always ready. I am so hooked on football that I will watch anyone play. Just tell me who to route for. My favorite NFL teams are The New England Patriots, Minnisota Vikings, Buffalo Bills (unless they are close to rank with the Pats, then they are the enemy), and soon I think I am going to have to like the Jets because they have so many of my players. My favorite player, believe it or not, is the kicker Adam Vinitieri. I know, I know, does he really play football? Yes, he actually gets dirty. You have to love a kicker who goes after blocks like he does! He kicks a good one and then tackles the guy. Good job! I also like Larry Whigham but I like him because he pumps up the audience and has a cute dance. My overall favorite team has to be the Pats. We have season tickets and sit in the cold cheering them on. It has to be love.

My favorite college teams are Penn State, of course I live in PA so I have to love them. I think it is against the law not to, just kidding. I also like Wisconsin, maybe it's the badger, I don't know. Then there is Michigan State. I almost went there so I find myself following them. We also follow my husbands alumni Ithaca College which is a strong Division III school. I like them because they have to work with what they get. They can't recruite like Division I and most of the top players go to the Division I schools because they have the best shot at pro football. But Ithaca College, takes what they get which usually means passionate players and beats schools in higher divisions. You have to love that. When people don't want you on their schedule, that shows something!

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Scrap Booking

I recently started scrap booking to give me something else to focus on when I am not feeling well. I have accumulated lots of pictures and supplies and I am just getting started with this new hobby. I really enjoy creating things. I haven't looked for any sites on this yet, so if you know of any, feel free to send them

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Recommended Reading

I have been trying to catch up on my reading in all of my spare time. I find that I can read the most when waiting in the doctor's office and actually keep a book in my purse which I call the waiting room book. I have several going right now and can recommend the following:
Woman: An Intimate Geography. This is a philosophical look at the female reproductive system and how we have evolved.

Brave New World By Huxley This is a wonderful work of fiction looking at what the world could become. A society of people who are always happy,  strict class structure, and subliminal propagnader designed by the government to train the popualtion.

A Long Fatal Love Chase by Alcott An exhilarating tale of woman chased by her "Husband" throughtout the world. Suspenseful, strange unpredictable plot twists. i have read it three times, I highly recommend it.

I also like Danielle Steele, John Grisham, Mary Higgins Clarke, Anne Rice and
Tom Clancy.

I am now reading HardTimes by Dickens

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Contacting Me

I also participate in many list communities through onelist and can be contacted there. I moderate two lists and you are welcomed to join. You must go to onelist by using the link provided above and become a member, then you will be able to subscribe to my lists. I moderate This is a list for women who feel that they have health related problems from abuse they may have suffered, emotional, physical or sexual. I also moderate This is a list for woman with endometriosis or their friends and families to vent, get support, ask questions or share stories and jokes. Laughter is the best medicine. If you would like more info please feel free to email me at the above address.
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This page last updated on November 11, 1999.