
Interactivist Summer Institute

May 26-29, 2007
The American University of Paris

ISI 2007 Program

Tuesday, 29 May 2007
9:00 Tom Ziemke
Embodied cognition, emotion and autonomy
10:00 Stepping Off the Pendulum: Why Only a Thoroughly Action Based Approach Can Fully Transcend the Nativist-Empiricist Epicycles and Ground Mind in the Natural World.
Jed Allen
10:45 Break
11:15 Dynamical Cognitive Science
Joel Walmsley
12:00 Lunch
2:00 Supporting Attention with Dynamic User Models
Claudia Roda
2:45 Interactivism within a Learning Situation
Grégory Munoz & Sandra Bruno
3:30 Break
4:00 Internalized Activities
Jean-Christophe Buisson
4:45 Frontiers of Interactivism
Mark Bickhard