Early American Literature: A Bibliography of Secondary Material


with special thanks to Karen Parsons

(Call numbers are to the Lehigh University library )

Ammerman, David L., and Philip D. Morgan.  Books About Early America: 2001 Titles. Williamsburg: Institute of Early American History and Culture, 1989.   (973.016 A518b ref)

Beckerdite, Luke, and William Hosley, eds.  American Furniture, 1995.  Hanover:  UP of New England, 1995.   (not at Lehigh)

Bushman, Richard L.  The Refinement of America: Persons, Houses, Cities.  New York: Knopf, 1992.   (973 B978r)

Campbell, Edward, and Kim Ryce, eds.  Before Freedom Came: African American Life in the Antebellum South.  Charlottesville: UP of Virginia, 1990.   (not at Lehigh)

Carson, Barbara.  Ambitious Appetites: Dining, Behavior, and Patters of Consumption in Federal Washington.  Washington, DC: American Institute of Architects Press, 1990.   (not at Lehigh)

Carson, Cary, Ronald Hoffman, and Peter J. Albert, eds.  Of Consuming Interests: The Style of Life in the Eighteenth Century.  Charlottesville: UP of Virginia, 1994.   (973.2 O31)

DeCunzo, LuAnn, and Bernard Herman, eds.  Historical Archaeology and the Study of American Culture.  Winterthur: Winterthur Museum,1996.   (not at Lehigh)

Deetz, James.  In Small Things Forgotten: The Archaeology of Early American Life.  New York:  Norton, 1977.   (not at Lehigh)

The Great River: Art and Society of the Connecticut Valley, 1635-1820.  Hartford:  Wadsworth Atheneum, 1985.   (not at Lehigh)

Hewitt, Benjamin, et al.  The Work of Many Hands: Card Tables in Federal America.  New Haven: Yale UP, 1982.   (not at Lehigh)

Hutchins, Catherine, ed.  Everyday Life in the Early Republic.  Winterthur: Winterthur Museum, 1994.   (not at Lehigh)

Ludwig, Allan I.  Graven Images: New England Stonecarving and Its Symbols, 1650-1815. Middletown: Wesleyan UP, 1966.   (731.76 L948g)

Martin, Ann Smart, ed.   Material Culture in Early America.  Spec. issue of William and Mary Quarterly 53.1 (1996): 3-180.   (973.05 W728 )

Martin, Ann Smart, and Ritchie Garrison, eds.  American Material Culture: The Shape of the Field.  Winterthur: Winterthur Museum: 1997.   (not at Lehigh)

Prown, Jules.  "Style as Evidence."  Winterthur Portfolio 15 (1980): 197-210.   (not at Lehigh)

Quimby, Ian, ed.  The Craftsman in Early America.  Winterthur: Winterthur Museum, 1984.   (not at Lehigh)

St. George, Robert Blair, ed.  Material Life in America, 1600-1800.  Boston:  Northeastern UP, 1988.  (973.2 M425)

Schlereth, Thomas J., ed.   Material Culture Studies in America.  Nashville: American Association for State and Local History, 1982.   (306.0973 M425)

Spector, Janet.  What This Awl Means: Feminist Archaeology at a Wahpeton Dakota Village.  St. Paul: Minnesota Historical Society Press, 1993.   (977.654 S741w)

Swan, Susan.  Plain and Fancy: American Women and Their Needlework, 1650-1850.  Austin: Curious Works Press, 1995.   (not at Lehigh)

Sweeney, Kevin.   "Mansion People: Kinship, Class, and Architecture in Western Massachusetts in the Mid Eighteenth Century."  Winterthur Portfolio 19 (1984): 232-55.  (not at Lehigh)

Thompson, Eleanor, ed.  The American Home: Material Culture, Domestic Space and Family Life.  Winterthur: Winterthur Museum, 1998.   (392.36 A512)

Ward, Gerald, ed.  Perspectives on American Furniture.  Winterthur: Winterthur Museum, 1988.   (not at Lehigh)

Wenger, Mark. "The Dining Room in Early Virginia."  Perspectives in Vernacular Architecture, III.  Ed. Thomas Carter and Bernard Herman.  Columbia: U of Missouri P, 1989.  149-59.   (not at Lehigh)

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