Subject: I was wrong Date: Wed, 9 Oct 2002 22:40:09 -0400 From: Tom Goodwillie OK, my answer to Belegradek last week was all wrong. (I thought I knew the Whitney trick pretty well, but it seems that I've been warped by too many years of mostly working with codimension >2 phenomena.) Let me set the record straight. The question had to do with this: It's known (Wall) that if W is a compact smooth manifold of dimension n and M is a codimension zero submanifold of its boundary such that the pair (W,M) is r-connected then W may be obtained from MxI by attaching handles of index > r, provided r5. Question: Are these dimension restrictions necessary? I thought the answer was no, r=n-3 will work. Recall the usual strategy for proving the h-cobordism theorem. (although Belegradek wasn't asking about h-cobordisms; he was asking about cobordisms that are highly connected relative to one end.) First eliminate the 0-handles, then the 1-handles, and so on, stopping at some index k. Working from the other end, cancel n-handles then n-1 and so on. This gets you to the situation of just two indices k and k+1. Except for the cases of index 0 and 1 (and n and n-1) the key is the Whitney trick, which allows you to cancel an r-handle and an (r+1)-handle by arranging an r-sphere in an (n-1)-manifold in such a way that it meets a certain codimension r sphere once transversely and others not at all (if the intersection numbers are favorable). I thought that since this argument even works when r=2 it must also work when n-1-r=2; in both cases you are working with 2-spheres and codimension 2 spheres. That's where I was wrong. In the r=2 case you have some extra info, namely that cutting out those codimension 2 spheres does not alter the fundamental group of the (n-1)-manifold. (This has to do with the fact that the 2-handles are attached trivially to MxI.) In the r=n-3 case you don't have that. How to make counterexamples to the assertion I made: If you know a finite 3-dimensional CW complex such that its cohomology vanishes above dimension 2 but it is not homotopy equivalent to a 2-dimensional complex, then by taking n big enough you get a compact n-manifold of that homotopy type which can be built out of handles of index 0, 1, 2, 3 but not 0, 1, 2. (I don't know an example of such a complex, but I have a feeling they are "well-known". Are they?) Note that for any k>2 it is a theorem (of Wall again, maybe?) that every CW complex whose cohomology vanishes above k (for all coeffs) is equivalent to a k-dimensional complex. There is also a relative theorem of the same kind: a pair (X,A) with cohomological dimension k>2 is equivalent rel A to a pair (Y,A) with relative dimension k. For this last statement but with k=2 I gather from Belegradek that there are old counterexamples due to Casson if k=2. In fact there are finite complexes A with perfect fundamental group such that the plus construction on A cannot be achieved with just 1- and 2-cells, because the group cannot be killed by adding a number of new generators and an equal number of new relations. Getting back to the Whiney trick stuff, I want to repeat that sometimes, even in a simply connected manifold M, an embedded 2-sphere S cannot be isotoped disjoint from a codimension 2 manifold T even if there is no homology obstruction. And I want to point out that the reason is that there can be an obstruction to homotoping the map S -> M into M-T; pi_2(M,M-T) can be nonabelian and bigger than H_2(M,M-T), even if M is 1-connected. Tom Goodwillie