Subject: announcement for alg top list Date: Fri, 20 Jun 2003 15:44:57 -0400 (EDT) From: Kathryn Lesh UNION COLLEGE MATHEMATICS CONFERENCE Saturday and Sunday Schenectady November 8-9, 2003 New York This is a preliminary announcement for the eleventh Union College Mathematics Conference. This year the conference topics are algebraic topology, category theory, and differential geometry. In addition to plenary lectures of interest to the entire Conference audience, there will also be shorter contributed talks in parallel sessions. Anyone interested in giving such a talk should contact one of the organizers. The meeting will begin with an evening reception on Friday, November 7, and it will end on Sunday afternoon. A more detailed notice will be mailed later this summer. Information will also be available at the Union College Mathematics Department website ( in August. Union College is centrally located in New York's capital district about 10 miles from the Albany International Airport, easily accessible by train from NYC, and just 3 to 4 hours by car from NYC, Boston, and Montreal. We hope to see you in November! ORGANIZERS Algebraic Topology Brenda Johnson Kathryn Lesh Category Theory Susan Niefield Kimmo Rosenthal Differential Geometry Christina Tonnesen-Friedman