Subject: Answer for the mailing list Date: Thu, 13 Nov 2003 15:30:06 +0100 From: Gaucher Philippe Organization: PPS To: Don Davis Le Jeudi 13 Novembre 2003 14:06, vous avez écrit : > I hope this answers the question that was being asked by Philippe > Gaucher: > > If i:A ---> X is a cofibration, then so is (Id,i):YxA-->YxX for any > space Y. I hope I am not making myself another confusion... It seems that you are making a confusion between Serre cofibration (a cofibration for the Quillen model structure) and Hurewicz cofibration (a closed map satisfying the homotopy extension property). In the language of model category, what you are saying is that any space is cofibrant with the Strom model structure. The latter model structure is monoidal, so indeed, (Id,i):YxA-->YxX is always a Hurewicz cofibration as soon as A-->X is a Hurewicz cofibration. This was not my question. I was talking about a Serre cofibration A-->X, that is a cofibration for the Quillen model structure on CGTop. Anyway, I found an answer for my question by adapting the proof of the left properness of the Quillen model category of topological spaces. pg.