Subject: Re: question abt ratl homology spheres Date: Tue, 15 Oct 2002 15:08:54 -0400 From: To: Hajlasz's remarks and question 2 suggests a complete answer to the question. There exists a non-zero degree map $f:S^n\to M^n$ if and only if the universal cover of $M$ is a rational homology sphere. pf: If $M$ has infinite fundamental group, several people pointed out the degree of $f$ is $0$, so $\pi_1(M)$ is finite. The map $f$ factors through the universal cover and must have non-zero degree so as Hajlasz observed it's a rational homology sphere. But conversely, Hajlasz also observed that there is a map of non-zero degree to a simply-connected rational homology sphere and then the composition with the covering projection will still have non-zero degree. How common or rare is it to have a universal cover a rational homology sphere? The order of the deck transformation group must divide the Euler characteristic, so if $n$ is even, the group has order $2$ and a Lefchetz Fixed point argument shows that $M$ is non-orientable and therefore has no notion of degree. Hence in the case $n$ even, $M$ has a non-zero degree map from a sphere if and only if $M$ is a simply-connected rational homology sphere. In the odd dimensional case there are typically lots of non-simply connected manifolds with non-zero degree maps from a sphere. Take any spherical space form and connect-sum on a simply-connected rational homology sphere. As Hatcher suggests, there are not likely to be examples in dimension 3 except the spherical space forms, but by dimension five there are lots of simply-connected rational homology spheres. Pardon, Math. Z. 171 (1980) 247-268, constructs lots of examples with $\pi_1$ not a spherical space form group. As several people pointed out, Hajlasz's Question 2 has a negative answer as soon as $\pi_1(M)$ is infinite, but the answer is still negative in general even if $\pi_1(M)$ is finite, but not $0$. In every dimension $n>=6$ and for any finite group $G$, there exist rational homology spheres of dimension $n$ with $\pi_1=G$ whose universal cover is not a rational homology sphere. To construct some examples, take a finite 2-complex, $K'$ with $\pi_1=G$. We always have $\pi_2(K') \otimes Q\to H_2(K';Q)$ onto since $G$ is finite. Attach 3-cells carefully to get $K$ with $\pi_1(K)=G$ and $H_i(K;Q)=0$ for $i>0$, ie. $K$ is a rational disk. Embed $K$ in $R^{2n+1}$, $n>=3$, and take a regular neighborhood $W$. Sometimes we take $K$ to be a 2-complex (eg $G$ cyclic) and then we can take $n=2$. $W$ is rational disk and $\partial W$ is a rational homology sphere with $\pi_1(\partial W)=G$. An Euler characteristic argument shows the universal cover of $\partial W$ is not a rational homology sphere. Indeed, no even dimensional rational homology sphere with non-trivial fundamental group has a universal cover which is a rational homology sphere. To construct odd dimensional examples, take the double of $W$, $D(W)$. By Mayer-Vietoris, $D(W)$ is a rational homology sphere. Its universal cover is the double of $U$, the universal cover of $W$. By an Euler characteristic argument, $U$ is not a rational homology disk and the cohomology of $U$ is a summand of the cohomology of $D(U)$ so the universal cover of $D(W)$ is not a rational homology sphere.