Subject: Karoubi's question Date: Thu, 5 Apr 2001 21:22:07 -0500 (CDT) From: To: For the record, with respect to Max Karoubi's question: The 1974 results Clarence Wilkerson referred to are in V.K.A.M. Gugenheim and J.P. May On the theory and applications of differential torsion products Memoirs AMS 142, 1974. The results there include a quasi-isomorphism f: C^*(X) >--> H^*(X) (1) of differential algebras when X=BT^n and coefficients are in any commutative ring; here f annihilates cup-one products. (2) of differential Hopf algebras when X is a not quite completely general finite product of Eilenberg-MacLane spaces and coefficients are in Z/2; here there result cup-1 products in H^*(X), and there is an algorithm for their computation. (3) of differential coalgebras when X is a finite product of Eilenberg-MacLane spaces and coefficients are in Z/p for p odd. (Theorems A.25 and A.26 of the Appendix give more information). The annihilation of cup-1 products in (1) leads to a general collapse theorem for the Eilenberg-Moore spectral sequence for many classical and generalized homogeneous spaces. For the latter, see F. Neumann and J.P. May On the cohomology of generalized homogeneous spaces. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. To appear. (On the Hopf and K-theory archives) Claude Schochet, in his thesis, used the algorithm in (2) to obtain an example of a two-stage Postnikov system with non-collapsing Eilenberg-Moore spectral sequence. Although not used for exactly the purposes that Saneblidze indicates, the use of cup-1 products satisfying the Hirsch formula in this context is a main ingredient of Gugenheim-May, and was explained briefly in a 1968 announcement of the results that were published in Gugenheim-May: J.P. May The cohomology of principal bundles, homogeneous spaces, and two-Postnikov systems. Bulletin Amer. Math. Soc. 74(1968), 334-339.