Subject: question for the mailing-list (a word was missing) Date: Thu, 6 Nov 2003 17:50:14 +0100 From: Gaucher Philippe Organization: Tarte Flambée To: Don Davis Sorry : One word disappeared : Here is the question again : In the model category of topological spaces. I would like to know if the pushout of a weak homotopy equivalence along a map of the form (Id,i):YxA-->YxX, where Id is the identity of Y and where i:A-->X is a cofibration, is still a weak homotopy equivalence or not ? If Y is cofibrant, then (Id,i):YxA-->YxX is still a cofibration and so the pushout will be a weak homotopy equivalence. What can it happen if Y is not cofibrant anymore ? pg.