Personal web pages of Slava V. Rotkin:

Quantum I
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(since 1994):
Fall 2006 Instructor
PHY 021:   "Introductory Physics II", (core undergraduate course), Physics Department, Lehigh University, Bethlehem PA.
Spring 2005 Director, Instructor
PHY 369: "Quantum Mechanics I",   (core graduate course), Physics Department, Lehigh University, Bethlehem PA.
Spring 2005 Instructor
EMC 115: "Engineering materials and electronics", "Novel approaches in molecular electronics", (Guest Lecture), ECE/MSE Departments, Lehigh University, Bethlehem PA.
Spring 2005 Instructor
PHY 372: Special Seminar "Topics of Biophysics", "Physics of non-physics systems: Water and ion channels, natural and artificial" (Guest Lecture), Physics Department, Lehigh University, Bethlehem PA.
Fall 2005 Director, Instructor
PHY 472:   "Physics and applications of nanoscale 1D systems", (graduate course). Physics Department, Lehigh University, Bethlehem PA.
Developed a new course for Graduate Students (credits 4/4): "Physics and applications of nanoscale 1D systems", (graduate course). The course is a part of MATPaC web-taught curriculum for Lehigh, Penn State, Drexel, Carnegie Mellon and University of Pennsylvania.
Spring 2004 Director, Instructor
PHY 369: "Quantum Mechanics I",   (core graduate course), Physics Department, Lehigh University, Bethlehem PA.
Fall 2004 Instructor
PHY 011: "Introductory Physics",   (core undergraduate course), Physics Department, Lehigh University, Bethlehem PA.

Spring 2004 Guest Lecturer
Mini-course on "Green's function approach in transport on nanostructures" within Graduate course of Prof. K. Hess: ECE 497 "Quantum Mechanics for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology".   ECE, UIUC, Urbana IL, USA.
Spring 2003 Co-Director, Instructor
ECE - 497   "Novel Carbon-Based NEMS, Quantum and Electronic Devices". ECE, UIUC, Urbana IL, USA.
Developed a new course for Graduate Students (credits 4/4).
9-12/02 Co-Instructor
ECE 435 - Theory of Semiconductors and Semiconductor Devices. ECE, UIUC, Urbana IL, USA.
5/02 Instructor
2002 Summer School on Computational Material Science: "Computational Approaches for Simulation of Electron Devices and MEMS" at Beckman Institute, UIUC, Urbana IL, USA.
5/99 - 3/00 Associate Professor
Optoelectronics department of Electrical Engineering University, St.Petersburg, Russia.
2/94 - 5/99 Assistant Professor
Optoelectronics department of Electrical Engineering University, St.Petersburg, Russia.
Director of Course; lectures: 4 hours/week; supervising for term papers.
1994-present Advisor/Supervisor for Ph.D. (2), M.Sc. (4), B.Sc. (3) and high-school (4) students.
1996 Developed a course for Undergraduate Student "The bases of quantum field theory of the solid state"
1994 Developed a course for Undergraduate Student "Modern methods of the solid state theory".
1995 - 98 Volunteer supervisor for scientific research practice of High-School students.
1994 - 96 Moderator of Theoretical Student Seminar at Ioffe Institute.

Teaching Philosophy: Details

Students and Visitors

6/05 - 5/06 Dr. Vadim Puller, Post-doctoral fellow at Lehigh University.
7/06 - 9/06 Mr. Alexey Tsukanov, visiting Scholar at Lehigh University.
3/05 - 5/05 Dr. Alexey G. Petrov, visiting Scholar at Lehigh University.
1/05 - 2/05 Prof. Vladimir Nazarov, visiting Scholar at Lehigh University.
12/02 - 6/03 Dr. Ioan Sturzu, visiting Scholar at Beckman Institute.
3/02 - 4/02 Dr. Alexey G. Petrov, visiting Professor at Beckman Institute.
7/01 - 9/01 Mr. Kirill Bulashevich, visiting Scholar at Beckman Institute.



Graduate Students:
9/05 - present Ms. Stacy Snyder
9/03 - 7/04 Mr. Salvador Barraza-Lopes Co-Advisor Prof. K. Hess
9/02 - 7/04 Ms. Yan Li Co-Advisor Prof. U. Ravaioli
9/99 - 6/00 Mr. Stanley F. Kharlapenko
9/99 - 4/00 Mr. Wyacheslaw I. Almyashev



Undergraduate Students
5/94 - 6/96 B.Sc. degree (with Honors) Igor Yu. Soloviev
6/96 - 6/98 M.Sc. degree (with Honors) Igor Yu. Soloviev
2/96 - 4/98 B.Sc. degree (with Honors) Leonid A. Pavlov
6/96 - 6/98 M.Sc. degree (with Honors) Alexey Bogdanov
9/97 - 6/99 M.Sc. degree (with Honors) Stanley F. Kharlapenko
9/97 - 6/00 B.Sc. degree (with Honors) Kirill Bulashevich
7/00 - 6/02 M.Sc. degree (with Honors) Kirill Bulashevich
High School Students
(at St.Petersburg School "Liceum FTS", St.Petersburg, Russia)
1/95 - 12/96 Olga Rykova
1/96 - 12/97 Kirill Bulashevich
1/97 - 12/97 Maksim Korytov
1/97 - 1/98 Ilya Barygin

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