Winners of American Regions Math League, a national contest for teams of 15 high school students 2023: San Francisco Bay Area and Northern California 2022: San Francisco Bay Area and Northern California 2021: San Francisco Bay Area and Northern California 2020: contest cancelled due to pandemic 2019: Thomas Jefferson High School 2018: Thomas Jefferson High School 2017: San Francisco Bay Area and Northern California 2016: San Francisco Bay Area and Northern California 2015: San Francisco Bay Area and Northern California 2014: Phillips Exeter 2013: San Francisco Bay Area and Northern California 2012: North Carolina A 2011: Lehigh Valley Fire 2010: Lehigh Valley Fire 2009: Lehigh Valley Fire 2008: New York City A 2007: Phillips Exeter Red 2006: North Carolina A 2005: Lehigh Valley Fire 2004: Thomas Jefferson High School A 2003: Thomas Jefferson High School A 2002: Thomas Jefferson High School A 2001: San Francisco Bay A 2000: Chicago A 1999: San Francisco Bay A 1998: Massachusetts A 1997: Minnesota Gold 1996: San Francisco Bay A 1995: New York City A 1994: New York City A 1993: Thomas Jefferson High School A 1992: Georgia A 1991: Ontario A 1990: Ontario A 1989: Chicago A 1988: Chicago A 1987: New York City 1986: New York City 1985: Montgomery 1984: New York City 1983: New York City 1982: New York City 1981: New York City 1980: New York City 1979: New York City 1978: Fairfax/Montgomery 1977: Massachusetts A 1976: New York City (Note: Thomas Jefferson High School is a magnet school for science in Alexandria, Va. Montgomery and Fairfax are counties in Maryland and Virginia.)